Kickstart Micro Grant Application

For students from vocational programs

Next application deadline: November 30th, 23:59

Apply for a Kickstart Micro Grant here

Read about previous Kickstart Micro Grant receivers here


Why apply for a Kickstart Micro Grant?

Financial support

  • You can apply for up to 50.000 DKK
  • The Kickstart Micro Grant is what is known as 'soft funding'. This means that the grant is not a loan and therefore does not have to be repaid.
  • The Kickstart Micro Grant can be just the motivation and pat on the back to turn your idea into reality


Mentoring support

  • All Kickstart Microgrant receivers are assigned a mentor who you meet with a minimum of three times
  • A mentor can give you advice and guidance about being self-employed
  • A mentor can provide you with knowledge about how your idea can contribute to green transition and sustainability
  • A mentor can give you access to their network
  • A mentor can help you, for example, to get:                     
    • Greater business understanding and financial knowledge
    • Overview of laws/regulations
    • Knowledge of payment systems
    • Insight into patent and trademark opportunities
    • Sales and marketing knowledge
    • Market and customer understanding
    • Insight into e-commerce and portal opportunities


Feedback from the Evaluation Committee

  • You will receive feedback from the evaluation committee regardless of whether you receive a grant or not
  • You can use the feedback from the evaluation committee to further develop your idea/company or to improve a new application
  • The evaluation committee will also give you some advice on how you can work more with sustainability and/or green transition in the development of your idea/company
  • The evaluation committee consists of successful entrepreneurs, business people and investors, all of whom have extensive knowledge of starting and running a business



  • If you receive a grant, you will be featured on our Wall of Fame so that other interested parties can see what you are working on
  • Kickstart Micro Grant receivers have the opportunity to be visible on Mikrolegat's social media channels
  • As a Kickstart Micro Grant receiver, you can be selected as a case in various contexts and become visible that way



Apply for a Kickstart Micro Grant here

Read about previous Kickstart Micro Grant receivers here



"Denmark needs skilled professionals who can develop new, value-creating products and solutions, based on practical experience and with a special focus on green and sustainable solutions"
- Christian Vintergaard, CEO, Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship



Kickstart Micro Grant

An application consists of three parts. 

  1. A written answer to a series of questions about your idea/startup
  2. A budget showing what you need the grant for
  3. A video pitch where the team talks about and possibly visually demonstrates your idea


Find guidance for a successful application here.

You can apply for the grant if you have an idea, but you can also apply for the grant if you have already created a CVR number. 

  • Without a CVR number, you can apply for a Micro Grant up to DKK 25,000
  • With a CVR number, you can apply for a Micro Grant up to DKK 50,000
    • This Micro Grant requires 25% self-financing (read more about this under "Frequently Asked Questions")


You can apply for and receive a total of two grants for the same idea. First one Kickstart Micro Grant without a CVR number and then one Kickstart Micro Grant with a CVR number.

Students who are enrolled in a vocational education and training program in Denmark (EUD or EUX) or have graduated within the last three months (at the application deadline)

  • You can apply alone or as a team
  • The primary applicant (co-founder 1) must be at least 18 years old, but there can be members of the team who are under 18 years old
  • At least half of the founding team must be vocational education students or recent graduates from a vocational education within the last three months 


In addition to the above, the following also applies to applications with a CVR number:

  • Primary applicant (co-founder 1) is a co-founder of the company (listed on the CVR number)
  • CVR number has been created within the last 12 months
  • CVR number has been created for the company for which funding is being sought
  • The company/CVR number has not had a turnover of more than DKK 50,000 in total

Denmark needs skilled professionals who can develop new, value-creating products and solutions with a focus on green and sustainable solutions.  You can contribute to this with your idea and the knowledge you bring from your education. 

When you apply for a Kickstart Micro Grant, your idea should therefore contribute to more sustainability and green transition in society. This can be within topics such as climate, energy, responsible consumption and production such as recycling, CO2 reduction, biodiversity, changes in consumption behavior and increased health and well-being. It can be about the service you offer, the goods you sell, the transportation you use or the product you develop.

The Kickstart Micro Grant can be used for the development of your idea or the development of your start-up.

Examples of what the grant can be used for: 

  • Workshop assistance
  • Prototype components
  • Customer and competitor clarification 
  • Marketing and marketing
  • Idea protection
  • Financial advice 
  • Website building


The Kickstart Micro Grant may NOT be used for:

  • Travel and hotel accommodation
  • Salary for applicants   
  • Computers/phones
  • Establishment of ApS and payment of VAT and taxes
  • Activities related to entrepreneurship and innovation competitions
  • Expenses you have already incurred at the time of application

A mentor can give you advice and guidance on self-employment. 

A mentor can give you knowledge about how your idea can contribute to green transition and more sustainability. A mentor can give you access to their network. 


A mentor can help you gain, for example:

  • Greater business understanding and financial knowledge
  • Overview of laws/regulations
  • Knowledge of payment systems
  • Insight into patent and trademark opportunities
  • Sales and marketing knowledge
  • Market and customer understanding
  • Insight into e-commerce and portal opportunities

You can apply for a Kickstart Micro Grant four times a year.

Application deadlines in 2024:

  • February 29, 23:59
  • May 30, 23:59
  • September 30th, 23:59
  • November 30th, 23:59

Evaluation of applications

Step 1: Evaluation committee

All applications that meet the formal requirements are sent to an evaluation committee consisting of two employees from the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship and 3 external committee members. The members are successful entrepreneurs, business people and investors, all of whom have extensive knowledge of starting and running a business. 

Step 2: Evaluation meeting

The evaluation committee meets and discusses all applications and provides feedback to all applications. It is at this meeting that the final decision on who will receive a scholarship is made. 

See the evaluation committee here.

We can't say in advance who will evaluate your application. 

When developing your idea for a Kickstart Micro Grant application, you need to do so on the basis of something new and unprecedented. It doesn't have to be something completely new and groundbreaking, but something that is new, for example, in a geographical area or in a profession or industry - or a new way of using your profession.  

You will receive a response approx. 4-6 weeks after the application deadline. All applicants will receive a reply by email.




"If I had one piece of advice for a startup considering applying for a Kickstart Micro Grant, it would be "Go for it!" Just go for it, dare to fail, that's what gets us the furthest in a company and the startup process"

- Simon, founder of received a Kickstart Micro Grant in 2022




Kickstart Micro Grant application process

Read here how the application process works and what an application consists of.

1. Terms and conditions

As an applicant, you must read and accept the Kickstart Microgrant terms and conditions. One condition is, for example, that you answer questionnaires from the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship. Once you have accepted the formal terms and conditions, you will be directed to the application. You can always save your entries along the way and return to the application. 


2. Team and startup information

After you have accepted the terms and conditions, you will need to provide some information about your idea/startup and your team. Note: Co-founder 1 is the primary applicant and will be your contact person for the Kickstart Micro Grant. This person in the team must be a student in a vocational program (or graduate within 3 months of the application deadline) and must be listed as co-founder on the CVR number (if you have one).


3. Written application

Here you must answer a series of questions about your idea/startup.

  • Idea and company
  • Who are you? (team)
  • Green transition and sustainability
  • How to apply for the Kickstart Micro Grant


Download all questions in the application here (pdf)

Download all questions in the application here (word)

Find guidance for the written application here


4. Budget

Download the budget form, fill in the items you want the Kickstart Micro Grant to support and upload the file in the application. It is important that the funding is used for activities that can help your idea move forward. This point is part of the evaluation of the application.

Please note that your entries must include VAT (25%).

For applications with a CVR number, the 25% co-financing must also be included in the budget form. The use of the co-financing is not covered by Kickstart Micro Grants rules on what the Kickstart Mikrolegat can be used for.


Download the budget template and budget guide here


5. Video pitch

Your video pitch is an important part of the application. This is where the evaluation committee has the opportunity to see who the team behind the idea is and where you have the opportunity to show an early prototype or drawings of your idea/product/service. We recommend that everyone in the team is in the video. 

The video must be created on YouTube and the link must be included in the application. 

The video pitch must be a maximum of 4 minutes.


Find the video pitch guide here


6. Submit application

When you get to this point, get out the champagne glasses and remember to congratulate each other that you can now mark another achievement in your entrepreneurial journey. Sit back and wait to hear from Kickstart Micro Grant.


7. Response from Kickstart Micro Grant and questionnaire

You can expect to receive a response to your application after 4-6 weeks. You will receive a response via email. Co-founder 1 will receive the email from Kickstart Micro Grant 

Once you have received the grant, you must sign the grant commitment (a grant agreement) that Kickstart Micro Grant sends you and return the email. You then have 4 months to use the grant. If you are not awarded the grant, you can always apply again.

All applicants receive a response and feedback from the evaluation committee.


Apply for a Kickstart Micro Grant here



Frequently asked questions

The Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship pays your invoice, i.e. the grant is not transferred as a cash amount to an account. Below you can read how the procedure works: 

  1. Your budget is approved by the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship
  2. You can then start ordering or purchasing services and products from suppliers
  3. The supplier's invoice must be issued to you/your startup with a clearly marked grant number
  4. you approve the invoice (price and service) and then send the invoice to the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship
  5. The invoice is then paid by the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship


The service must be within the framework for which the grant has been awarded. If you wish to change the budget after signing the grant commitment, a new budget must be approved by the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship. 

You can submit a maximum of four invoices. If several services are provided by one supplier, these are combined on one invoice. 

If a service or products are purchased outside of Europe, you must pay these invoices yourself and the amount will be paid to you against documentation.

If you apply for a Kickstart Micro Grant with a CVR number, you must provide 25% self-financing in addition to the amount applied for. This means that if you receive the grant, you can purchase services for the amount applied for plus 25% self-financing. This means that if you receive a grant of DKK 50,000, you can obtain quotes and purchase services for a total of DKK 62,500 incl. VAT. Once the grant is spent, the 25% (in this example DKK 12,500) must be paid back to the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship. Self-financing is there to ensure that you have your own hands on the hob and put money into the business.

Once all invoices have been submitted and paid by the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship, the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship will send a demand to the grant recipient for the 25% self-financing that your startup must pay.

The grant recipient is allowed to pay the supplier for used and paid services. In this case, the grant recipient must send an email with documentation in the form of copies of invoices and proof of payment.

Receiver of a Kickstart Micro Grant without a CVR number

If you receive a Kickstart Micro Grant without a CVR number, the primary applicant (Co-founder 1) will be taxed via his/her CPR number and the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship will report the grant as B-income to the Danish tax authorities. However, you can avoid personal taxation - read more below.

To calculate B tax, you must start by deducting AM contribution of 8% from B income (in this case the grant). Then calculate tax by applying your withholding percentage to the amount remaining after deducting the AM contribution.

Finally, you add the amount you received to the 8% AM contribution. And then you have the amount you have to pay in B-tax.


Avoid personal taxation if you don't have a CVR number

If you are a student in a vocational education and receive a Kickstart Micro Grant without a CVR number, you and your team can take the opportunity to receive the grant via your vocational school's CVR number. This way you (as Co-Founder 1) avoid personal taxation. If you (Co-Founder 1) are under the age of 18, you must use the school's CVR number, otherwise you cannot receive the grant.


The only thing you as applicants must do:

1. When you receive a response from the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship about whether you have received a Kickstart Micro Grant, you will also receive a document that you must get someone from your school management to sign. The document gives you permission to use the school's CVR number.

2. The document must be signed by what is called an authorized signatory at the school. This means it must be a person from the school's management or from the school's secretariat. Ask your teacher to help you find the right person.

3. You must return the document with the authorized signatory's signature to the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship.

4. If the school does not want to sign the document, the primary applicant in the team (Co-founder 1) will be personally taxed on the grant. You can always decline the grant.

5. You can now purchase goods and services from suppliers. You must ensure that the school's CVR number and your scholarship number appear on all invoices. The supplier sends the invoice to you and you forward it to the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship.

6. The Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship pays the invoice. The Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship only pays invoices for goods and services that we have approved in the application's budget.


Receiver of Kickstart Micro Grant with CVR number

If you receive a Kickstart Micro Grant with a CVR number, you have full VAT and tax deductions according to the general applicable rules when the invoices are issued to the grant recipient's company.  


The amount you receive to purchase services is inclusive of VAT (25%).

We need your social security number to be able to follow the results of the data collection over time. We only collect this information for scientific work and your anonymity is completely guaranteed. We take good care of your personal data and do not pass it on to third parties.

You can apply for and receive a total of two grants for the same idea. First one Kickstart Micro Grant without a CVR number and then one Kickstart Micro Grant or a Micro Grant with a CVR-number.

If your application is rejected, you can apply again.

The Kickstart Micro Grant must be used no later than 4 months after you have received a commitment by email. The date is stated in the contract you sign with the Danish Foundation for Entrepreneurship. 

No, you can't. The company must be established in Denmark. However, we do approve that you have expenses from foreign suppliers. 

If you receive a grant for a startup with a CVR number, you must sign a declaration of de minimis aid, as Micro Grant is considered state aid under the de minimis regulation. 

According to the de minimis regulation, state aid is allowed as long as the total amount of de minimis aid to a single company does not exceed 200,000 euros, equivalent to approximately DKK 1.5 million over a period of three financial years. This means that your startup may not receive other state aid that in total (including the Kickstart Micro Grant) exceeds an amount of approximately DKK 1.5 million within a period of three financial years.

Guide for Kickstart Micro Grant applicants 

Relevant tools and inspiration for those who want to apply for a Kickstart Micro Grant.

Read more here


Guide for educators and business developers 

Relevant tools and inspiration for those who mentor Kickstart Micro Grant applicants.

Read more here


Nanna Rasmussen


If you have questions about how to apply and whether you can apply for the grant, please call or write to


Nanna Victoria Rasmussen, Project Manager

Tel: +45 23 30 59 57 57
